Project Kick-off: iFROG

Project Kick-off: iFROG

Project Overview

Offshore wind is increasingly preferred due to better wind conditions and agricultural land use conflict.

Offshore wind turbine foundations on the one hand, need enhanced inspection/maintenance technologies to ensure the installations remain operational over their full working lives.

However, current inspection and maintenance techniques are very costly constituting ~65% total operation & maintenance costs, with 50% of this due to scheduled hazardous diver-based visual inspections or corrective inspection/maintenance. Reducing operation and maintenance costs remains a key priority for offshore wind industry.

The projects objectives

  • iFROG proposes to combine enabling capabilities in electronics/sensors/photonics and mobile robotics to deliver advanced marinised systems for inspection and predictive maintenance of offshore wind turbine foundations both above and below the waterline (down to 60m water depth).
  • A risk-based approach will be used to develop a team of robots able to carry out the detailed tasks of inspection using autonomous features to allow adhesion, navigation and deployment of non-destructive testing via phase array ultrasonic testing sensing to derive appropriate maintenance strategies to ensure continued power operation and improving overall system competitiveness.

Project Benefits:

  • iFROG will save an estimated £150k p.a. per foundation. 
  • Improve the cost-effectiveness and sustainability of offshore wind; encouraging future investment and benefiting energy security and the environment.


Innovative Technology & Science Ltd. (InnoTecUK), Project Coordinator, Brunel University London, (BIC), TWI Ltd (TWI), The Underwater Centre, Fort William, (TUC). Subcontractor: Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (OREC)

This project was co-funded by the UK’s innovation agency, Innovate UK. 

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