This article introduces the main robotic-related standardisation activities at ISO/IEC, where our technical director Prof. Gurvinder Virk is leading actor in international robot standardisation and holds leadership positions in several robot standardisation groups.
Topics covered in the article include:
- Why Standardisation is very important with the rapid rise of new robotic domains.
- A description of standards and safety majors currently being put in place for robotic stakeholders i.e developers and manufacturers etc by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO).
- How ISO is continuously looking into the revision and amendment of its existing robot standards, and co-operations to align with similar domains (e.g.standards for self-driving cars, currently guided by vehicle standards within ISO).
Click here to read the full article, and to discover what steps are currently being taken to ensure that all robots: medical and non-medial, fulfil safety requirements.
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