The event organised in collaboration with the European Commission in the framework of the INCO-NET project EaP Plus, is set to bring together over 250 participants from Europe Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (AC) as well as Eastern Europe Third Countries (EaP).
The week comprises of a series of events which seek to inform people interested in the contents of the Horizon 2020 Themes and funding schemes on how to improve their participation in European Research and Innovation Funding Programmes.
Representing InnoTec-TCS at the ‘HORIZON 2020 WEEK IN BELARUS’ (Minsk, 20-23 February 2018) is our Head of ‘Training and Consultancy Services’ Katia Insogna.
Katia Insogna will be:
- Giving a speech at the ‘Info Day’ on opportunities for Third Country researchers and organisations with the ERC grants
- The principal trainer for Marie Curie RISE grants parallel session.
- The principal trainer for the “Train the Trainers” event aimed at NCPs from EaP countries on RIA/IA project development
To read more about this event, click here