Professor Nico Avdelidis, Chief Operation Officer of InnoTecUK visited University College Cork (UCC), Ireland’s first 5-star university to initiate a collaboration between the Engineering Department of UCC and InnoTecUK.
Academics including Prof Liam Marnane (Head of the Engineering Department), Dr Richard Kavanagh (Senior Lecturer) and Dr Bill Wright (Senior Lecturer) from UCC welcomed this discussion following the launch of InnoTecUK’s Ireland Office – InnoTecIE.
Following the meetings, Professor Avdelidis said;
“We are delighted at our new collaboration with University College Cork. InnoTecIE will work closely with UCC in developing research-based platforms and products in the areas of Robotics and Automation, building on InnoTecUK’s expertise and achievements in this field over the last decade.”
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